When the dark cloud of lying, deceit, and infidelity enters your relationship, should you stay together? Can you ever trust a cheater again? Some recent researches suggest that sixty-four percent of marriages today stay together after a spouse has had an affair. But what works for one person does not necessarily work for everyone. You have to judge your partner, yourself, and your situation to determine if you should stay together after an affair.

In the time after an affair, you and your partner need to make some hard decisions. Either one of you needs to leave the marriage, or both of you need to commit to staying. Staying together means being able to forgive. There’s no quick fix when it comes to forgiveness. If you know in your heart that you won’t be able to forgive your partner, then it might be time to part ways. There’s little point in punishing your partner for a lifetime over a mistake such as this.

In considering whether you should stay together, think about how you would feel if your partner cheated on you again. If you can confidently say that you would have the courage to recover again, you can move forward in your relationship with a spirit of optimism and can begin to rebuild your relationship. Think about your idea of a healthy relationship. You should both sit down and figure out what you want and behave in such a way that will bring about success.

If you have children or you are considering getting pregnant, you need to understand the effect that your choices will have on them. Don’t put your children in the middle of your fighting and screwed-up relationship, and allow them to witness irresponsible behavior. Kids would rather be from a broken home than from a home that is filled with arguing, tension, and unhappiness. Never argue in front of your children. When you do, it changes who they are forever. Kids tend to think that problems in the home are their fault. If you find that your infidelity problems are affecting the children, then it might be time to rethink staying with your partner.

Plus, if a child was born of infidelity, your spouse will have to have contact with the other person to be co-parents. This can be done the right way, which means that your partner doesn’t have any contact without your involvement. If they want to talk with the other person, then you should be present. Would you be able to handle that? If not, you have your answer for what you should do.

It’s a choice to use the lessons that you have positively learned in life. Don’t rely on your heart to tell you whether you should stay together or not. You must rely on your intellect. Doing what logic tells you is the right thing to do.